Welcome Spring! Casco Bay Sports is offering multiple outdoor sports league options including, Softball, Flag Football, Soccer, Kickball, Golf, & more!
Click on the links below for details on league length, level of play, and cost.
Feel free to contact us anytime with questions on which day of play is best suited for your squad!
Sunday 6v6 Coed Outdoor Flag Football: March 21st
Tuesday Coed Outdoor Softball: May 4th
Wednesday Coed Outdoor Softball: May 5th
Thursday Coed Outdoor Softball: May 6th
Saturday Coed Outdoor Softball: May 7th
Monday 6v6 Coed Indoor-Outdoor Soccer: March 22nd
Wednesday 6v6 Coed Indoor-Outdoor Soccer: March 31st
Thursday Coed Outdoor Kickball: May 6th
Tuesday Golf League @ Riverside: May 4th